Eye Health
July 17, 2024
You don't hesitate to schedule an annual check-up with your primary care doctor or think twice about taking your children to see their pediatrician. Caring for your eyes should also become part of your yearly health routine.Your eyes are the primary sensor for everything that happens around you. They also are sensitive organs that…...
What are Flashes and Floaters?
April 19, 2024
Have you ever noticed tiny flashes of light in your vision or seen strange shapes or dots in your line of sight? These are both common phenomena that most people experience from time to time.These dots, lights, or shapes aren't really there, so noticing them in your vision can be off-putting. These shapes or dots you see in your…...
Good Sunglasses Can Prevent Eye Damage
June 27, 2019
While a painful, red sunburn immediately tells you that you’ve had too much sun exposure, sun damage to your eyes is usually silent until long after the harm is done. Fortunately, your strongest defense is easy: a well-made pair of sunglasses....